Psychological determinants refer to thoughts, feelings and other cognitive characteristics that affect
behaviour. These determinants indicate how learners perceive, interact and respond to the learning
environment. The Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) performance plays an important
role in determining the educational trajectories of students. Those who excel are able to join institutions
of higher learning and become valuable human resource who are able to ignite economic and social
development in Kenya. The declining level of KCSE performance in Mombasa County is a cause for
concern among education stakeholders; the study therefore seeks to address this concern by finding out if
there is a relationship between psychological determinants and students KCSE performance in Mombasa
County, Kenya. The study was guided by the following objectives; find out the relationship between selfesteem and KCSE performance, find out the relationship between educational aspiration and KCSE
performance, and find out the relationship between attitude towards education and KCSE performance in
Mombasa County, Kenya.The study adopted correlation research design and exploratory research design.
It was conducted in Mombasa in all the six sub counties namely Mvita, Kisauni, Nyali, Jomvu,
Changamwe and Likoni. The target population had 8648 form four students in 126 secondary schools,
126 academic Masters and Mistresses and six sub county Directors of education. Purposive sampling was
used to select 864 students 21 academic Masters/Mistresses and six sub county Directors of Education.
Stratified and simple random sampling techniques were used to divide the student population to private
and public. The two categories were further stratified to sub groups that included; boys’ day schools,
girls’ day schools, boys’ boarding schools, girls’ boarding schools, mixed day schools and mixed
boarding schools. Validity of the instruments was ascertained by ensuring that the instruments used in the
study were in line with the study objectives. Reliability was verified by using test-retest method and was
confirmed to be 0.794.Instruments for data collection comprised of students' questionnaires, KCSE
examination score sheets, semi structured interviews for the academic Masters/Mistresses and for the sub
county Directors of education. Data was analysed using both descriptive and inferential statistics.
Quantitative data was analysed with aid of Statistical Package for Social Sciences Version 20 and
qualitative data applied thematic analysis. Data was described using means, frequencies and percentages
while all the hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance using Pearson Moment Correlation
Coefficient. The results showed a positive and significant relationship between students’ self-esteem and
KCSE performance (r=0.387, N=864. p<0.001).Results from correlation analysis on the relationship
between educational aspiration and KCSE performance (r=0.404, N=864. p<0.001) illustrates a positive
and significant relationship between educational aspiration and students KCSE performance. Correlation
analysis illustrates a positive and significant relationship between attitude towards education (r=0.359,
N=864. p<0.001) and students performance in KCSE.Recommendations includes school counselling
interventions to improve performance, promotion of formative learning and nurturing students attitude in
order that they can excel in school.