The Ministry of Education initiated the integration of computer aided learning in teaching of school curriculum in order to enhance quality of education in Kenya. Poor performance in Kiswahili reading comprehension has been experienced for a while, among majority students in sub-county secondary schools in Nakuru County, Kenya. The integration of CAI in teaching of Languages helps to transform pedagogical skills in order to enhance students‟ learning achievements. The main objective of the Paper was to determine the difference in performance in Kiswahili reading comprehension between students taught Kiswahili reading comprehension using text media and those students taught the same content using TTMs; and the hypothesis that: HO2. There is no significant difference on performance in Kiswahili reading comprehension between students taught Kiswahili reading comprehension using text media and those students taught similar content using TTMs. This Paper employed a causal-comparative design. A sample of 750 participants was drawn from a target population of 12900 subjects. Stratified, simple random sampling methods and purposive sampling techniques were used to select the study sample. Questionnaires for students and form two Kiswahili documentary guide analysis was used to collect quantitative data. Piloting was done in three secondary schools to determine the validity and reliability of the research items in two weeks before the commencement of the actual study, whereby the study confirmed that the instruments were valid and reliable; the students‟ reliability was computed using Cronbach‟s Alpha Formula internal consistency and students‟ alpha coefficient yielded an alpha of 0.79 which were considered adequate for the study. Percentages mean and standard deviations were used to analyze quantitative data. Quantitative data was presented and interpreted in frequency table distributions. While the hypothesis was tested at 95% confidence interval using t-test in order to determine mean difference in learning achievements in Kiswahili reading comprehension between students taught reading comprehension using text media and those students taught similar content using TTMs. The findings of the Paper showed that majority of the students agreed that text media enhance students‟ Kiswahili reading comprehension than TTMs. The results also showed that text media improve learning achievements by higher mean of 21.08 than a lower mean of 10.79 scored by TTMs. The hypothesis was rejected at 95% confidence interval level (p=0.00<0.05) indicating that students‟ mean performance in Kiswahili reading comprehension using text media and TTMs is significantly different. The difference was in favor of those students reading comprehension using text media than those students taught similar content using TTMs. The Paper concluded that text media strategies are superior to traditional teaching methods in teaching of Kiswahili reading comprehension. Furthermore, the Paper also concluded that students taught Kiswahili reading comprehension using text media performed better in Kiswahili reading comprehension than those students taught similar content using traditional teaching methods. The Paper recommended that the Ministry of Education should make integration of CAI mandatory for all secondary schools in teaching of Kiswahili writing essays, because it is perceived that Computer technologies improve performance scores in Kiswahili writing essays. The paper recommended that the Ministry of Education should make integration of CAI mandatory for all secondary schools in teaching of Kiswahili reading comprehension, because it is perceived that text media enhance learning achievements in Kiswahili reading comprehension.