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Impact of Gender and Socio-Economic Factors on Learning Achievements in Primary Education in Kenya: Empirical Evidence

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dc.contributor.author Onsomu, Eldah N.
dc.contributor.author Kosimbei, George
dc.contributor.author Ngware, Moses W.
dc.date.accessioned 2020-06-26T08:40:06Z
dc.date.available 2020-06-26T08:40:06Z
dc.date.issued 2006
dc.identifier.uri https://www.academia.edu/33170778/Impact_of_Gender_and_Socio-Economic_Factors_on_Learning_Achievements_in_Primary_Education_in_Kenya_Empirical_Evidence?auto=download
dc.identifier.uri http://kerd.ku.ac.ke/123456789/1311
dc.description An article published in Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis en_US
dc.description.abstract Gender and socio-economic background of a pupil have a link to school opportunities and achievement. However, their effects vary across cultures and environments. This paper examines gender parity in primary schools in Kenya and factors that explain the differences in performance in mathematics and reading. The paper also presents an analysis of internal efficiency and gender equity in primary schools in Kenya and empirical evidence on what explains achievement in mathematics and reading scores. Gender differentials are manifested in schooling performance. Various gender-related and socio-economic variables affect pupils’ performance in mathematics and reading differently. Overall, boys perform better than girls in both mathematics and reading. Teachers’ competency in subject matter has positive impact on performance in reading and mathematics. Emerging policy implications include need to put more emphasis on the professional development of teachers in mathematics and reading; and enhancing reading skills for both teachers and students. Pedagogical interventions in Kenya’s basic education should focus on improving performance of girls in both mathematics and reading. Provision of basic schooling sanitation facilities should also be increased. General reduction in poverty levels would lead to improvement in schooling performance. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis en_US
dc.subject Gender en_US
dc.subject Socio-economic en_US
dc.subject Learning achievements en_US
dc.subject Primary education en_US
dc.title Impact of Gender and Socio-Economic Factors on Learning Achievements in Primary Education in Kenya: Empirical Evidence en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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