The study objective was to determine the role of the teacher in ICT implementation for learner progress monitoring. The study was based on the social and cognitive constructivist theory. The target population constituted ...
ICTs have impacted the way people think and live. With the world moving rapidly into digital media and information, the role of ICT in education is becoming more and more important. Providers of education are reviewing ...
Ndiritu, Anne Wairimu; Gichimu, Willy; Ndiritu, Caroline Njoki(International Educative Research Foundation and Publisher, 2018-04-30)
ICT is a critical tool for expanding human skills and rests largely on a system of producing, distributing and utilising information and knowledge that in turn plays a great role in driving productivity and economic ...
Amuko, Sheila(International Organization of Scientific Research (IOSR), 2015-09)
This presentation is based on a large study whose purpose was to explore the pedagogical practices in integration of ICT in teaching and learning mathematics in secondary schools in Nairobi County. The study adopted a ...
The objective of the study was to find out how effective the ICT training received by teachers is, in assisting them to integrate ICT in their work to make it more interactive, interesting, and innovative. Even though there ...
The main aim of this study was to investigate the use of ICT in teaching Kiswahili plays in secondary schools as a way of cultivating interest and positive attitude towards drama at an early age. The objectives of the study ...
Njoka, Johannes Njagi; Githui, Perminus; Ndegwa, Lucy Wanjira(BIRCI-Journal, 2020-02)
The uptake of information communication technology (ICT) by secondary schools is beset by a complex of challenges that are not clearly understood and documented. In order to facilitate effective and efficient implementation ...
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has brought about profound changes in this 21st century era.ICT has changed the way people communicate and do business. In education, the role of ICT and whether or not it ...
The main problem facing mathematics instruction generally is the need to improve performance of students through use of innovative approaches that involve technology. Despite the advancements in technology, the utilization ...
Lipesa, Hillary Akula(Catholic University of Eastern Africa, 2018-06-12)
This research sought to assess the effectiveness of ICT integration in enabling the e-leadership of public secondary schools in Busia County, Kenya. The target population was 145 public schools in the County. The research ...
Mwanaszumbah, Alma Rubia; Magoma, Charles M.(Open Access Publishing Group, 2016)
Physics is one of the subjects that have suffered low enrolment and performance in secondary schools. This enrolment and performance are pegged to the studentsȂ perception that Physics is difficult and uninteresting due ...
Murungi, Verasia Mukwaiti; Kibaara, Tarsilla M.; Mwaniki, Terry M.(IJRD, 2017-08)
The significant role of information and communication technology (ICT) in education has been improving and the Kenyan Government has developed policies and initiatives to institute the use of ICT’s in schools and this study ...
The appreciation of the role of Information Communications and Technology (ICT) in recent years has driven many countries and Institutions of learning in particular to adopting these developments with an aim to enhance ...
Wakhungu, Nato Luke; Benjamin, Omoro(HRmars, 2013-10)
This article explored the use of ICT in teaching of Geography to students in Rongo secondary schools in Kenya. Objective of this article was; to establish the types of ICT materials available for teaching Geography in ...
This research was carried out to determine factors affecting utilisation of EMIS in curriculum implementation in public secondary schools. Thereafter the findings would be generalized to other public secondary schools in ...
This paper studied constraints to integration of Information Communication and Technology (ICT) in the teaching and learning of biology in secondary schools in Migori County, Kenya. It employed descriptive survey design ...
Mutisya, Angeline Muli; Mulwa, David Musyoki; Mwania, Jonathan Muema(ZTJOURNALS, 2017)
The study sought to determine the influence of principals’ related factors on integration of Information Communication Technology in the management of public secondary schools in Kitui County, Kenya. A descriptive survey ...
The use of e-resources in curriculum delivery promises better methods of content delivery. Among the various technologies currently available, video technology can be used for teaching and learning. The purpose of this ...
This paper is based on a study carried out in selected secondary schools in Kenya. The research examines teachers’ professional development needs in Kenya with a specific focus on the teachers’ needs towards professional ...
Kenya has made remarkable progress putting in place an ICT policy framework and implementation strategy, complete with measurable outcomes and time frames. The process has had the benefit of sound advice from officials and ...