This study sought to investigate the influence of principals’ characteristics on implementation of readmission policy of girls after teenage pregnancy in public secondary schools in Kitui County,
Kenya. The study objectives sought to determine the influence of; principals’ age, gender, experience and professional qualifications on the implementation of re-admission policy of girls after teenage pregnancy. The target population was 275 principals, 275 guidance and counseling teachers and 275 head girls in the 120 girls’ schools and 155 co-education schools in Kitui County, Kenya. The study also targeted the County Director of Education and all the 16 sub county directors of education in Kitui County. Using stratified and simple random sampling, a sample of 83 principals, 83 guidance and counseling, and 83 head girls were selected for the study. The County Director of Education was purposively selected while four sub-county directors of Education were selected using simple random sampling. Data was collected using questionnaires. Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics while qualitative data was analyzed thematically. The study established that; there was statistically significant association between principals’ characteristics and re-admission policy. The principals’ age, gender, experience and professional qualification significantly determined the implementation of the re-admission policy of girls after teenage pregnancy. The study recommends that; principals should get the right professional training and experience before they could be appointed to take up roles of heading public schools. This would enhance the implementation of the re-admission policy of girls after teenage pregnancy in public secondary schools in Kitui County, Kenya.