This study sough to find out the influence of age, gender and level of training on attitudes towards the use of integrated e-learning approach to the teaching and learning of business studies in Kenyan secondary schools. A descriptive survey research design was adopted. The study was undertaken in selected E-schools in Kenya. Purposive sampling was used to select the teachers and random sampling technique was used to select the students. A total of three Head teachers, eight Business Studies teachers and 127 Business Studies students participated in the study. Questionnaires and face to face interviews were used to collect data from the sample. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data gathered in this study. Descriptive statistics included use of frequency tables, percentages and mean scores. Inferential statistics involved Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The findings of the study revealed that Head teachers, teachers and students of Business Studies perceive the integrated E-learning approach to be superior to the conventional approaches regarding the learner outcomes. They were positive about its integration in the teaching and learning of Business studies in the secondary school system. Based on these findings, the researcher recommends that the new integrated Elearning approach be implemented in the teaching of Business Studies in Kenyan secondary schools to enhance learner outcomes and enrolment in the subject. This study is significant as it helps equip schools with the necessary knowledge and skills to successfully introduce the integrated e-learning approach in their schools.