Many computer users around the world have access to the latest advances in technology and use of the World Wide Web (WWW or Web). However, for a variety of political, economic, and social reasons, some peoples of the world do not have access to these resources. The educational systems of developing countries have not completely missed the technological revolution, but technology has yet to impact them in the ways it has the first world countries. Almost all the schools across the US are equipped with new instructional technologies. A closer look at developing countries, such as those in Africa, illustrates that technology has yet to be fully integrated into all education venues. In this article, the opinions of educators and their rationale for introducing technology into education in Kenya is reported. A large majority of the educators responding to a survey thought that computers would very much help their students learn, and 59% of the respondents reported that their school planned to buy computers in the next year. More extensive planning and development is recommended so that a nationwide training and purchase plan for providing computers in schools in Kenya and similar third world countries can be implemented.