The study sought to determine the extent to which Information and Communication Technology has been integrated in the management of public secondary schools in Kitui County, Kenya. A descriptive survey research design and mixed method approach were used in this study. The study was carried out in 58 public secondary schools in Kitui County that have functional ICT infrastructure. This study used sample size table as proposed by Krejcie and Morgan (1970) and
Peter (2005) whereby 58 principals, 58 senior teachers and 266 assistant teachers from schools that have functional ICT infrastructure were selected. All 16 Sub-county Directors of Education and one County Director of Education were selected for the study. The researcher used questionnaires to collect data from principals, senior teachers and assistant teachers while interview schedule was used to collect data from Sub-county Directors of Education in Kitui County. The collected data was analyzed using both quantitative and qualitative data analysis approaches. The study established that (78%,60% and59%) of the principals, senior teachers and assistant teachers respectively only use ICT in school management less frequently. Among those who use ICT, majority (70%) of the principals used ICT for internal exams to a great extent. On internet use the study established that; majority (58%) of principals and 64% of senior teachers used internet less frequently. It was also noted that (18% and 16%) of the principals and senior teachers respectively had never used internet. Majority (90% and 76%) of the principals and the senior teachers respectively indicate that computer use can be improved through training more staff in ICT. The County Director and the Sub-County Directors of Education in their interviews reported that most of the principals relied on their secretaries for computer related communication and some were reported not to have active emails. However the interviews indicated that some principals were indeed using ICT in management of schools and especially in communication with teachers, parents and suppliers. The study recommended that Firstly, the government should introduce compulsory computer training for all principals and teachers. This would equip all the principals with ICT skills. All schools should have internet connectivity to enable principals and teachers to use ICT in the schools. This would help in communication as well as academic research.