This article describes the results of a study undertaken to investigate the role played by Heads of departments (HODs) in the implementation of computer- integrated education (CIE) in teaching and learning by the departmental staff. A total of 89 HODs drawn from rural, urban and suburban areas participated in this research. A questionnaire was designed and used to collect data on: the role of HODs, use of computers by departments, departmental computer policy, training of HODs in the use of computers, availability of computers and support materials, access, attitudes and views of HODs about the value of computer as a tool for instruction. Data analysis combined qualitative and quantitative methods. The findings indicated that HODs played various roles to ensure that computer integrated education was introduced and included in departmental teaching program. This included planning, organization and management of the computer-learning environment. Further results revealed that 23% of HODs had a departmental policy for the use of computers but 77% had not formulated computer policy. 51% had departmental funds for computer education, while 43% had no funds allocated to them, but 6% did not respond. Other results indicated that 53% HODs were trained in the use of computers, but 47% had no training. The findings also showed lack of suitable software packages and 54% of the respondents agreed that computer was a very valuable tool for instruction.