Digital learning has become a widely accepted learning module in recent years and has been linked with positive, cumulatively progressive gains in learning outcomes. This study sought to assess the Digital Learning Strategy Implementation in public primary schools in Nairobi County. Records in the County Education Office indicate that there are 196 public primary schools within Nairobi County that have implemented the digital learning strategy. Specifically the study sought to assess and determine the influence of digital content, digital infrastructure, security of ICT infrastructure and equipment and resource allocation on the digital learning implementation strategy. To achieve these objectives the study adopted a descriptive research design. The target population were the users of the digital learning system in these schools. Three users from each school were identified from the stakeholders who interact with the platform on a regular basis by the nature of their jobs. These were the ICT Teachers the Deputy Head Teacher and Head teachers. The data collection instrument of choice used to collect primary data was questionnaires. These were administered through a drop and pick methodology because of it was convenient for the respondents to complete at their pace. The data collected was analyzed using descriptive statistics, correlation and regression analysis. The results of the correlation analysis indicated that there was a weak correlation between the digital content and ICT infrastructure, but a stronger correlation between the was also done to establish the relationship between the implementation strategy as the dependent variable and digital content, ICT infrastructure, Security and Resources as the independent variables. Results of the study gave a strong positive correlation between the independent and dependent variables. The results of this study will be of immense benefit to the teachers, students and the government bodies charged with its implementation such as the ICT Authority.