The National Conference on Education and Training held in November 2003 brought together over 800 key players in the sector. The conference mandated the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MOES&T) to develop a new policy framework for the education sector. This Sessional Paper constitutes the Government policy on education and training, based on the recommendations of the conference, and of the various studies undertaken on the sector. In addition, it embraces the Education for All (EFA) and Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The provision of education and training to all Kenyans is fundamental to the success of the Government’s overall development strategy. First, the long-term objective of the Government is to provide every Kenyan with basic quality education and training, including 2 years of pre-primary, 8 years of primary and 4 years of secondary/technical education. Education also aims at enhancing the ability of Kenyans to preserve and utilize the environment for productive gain and sustainable livelihoods. Second, development of quality human resource is central to the attainment of national goals for industrial development. Third, the realization of universal access to basic education and training ensures equitable access to education and training for all children, including disadvantaged and vulnerable groups. Fourth, education is necessary for the development and protection of democratic institutions and human rights.